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“HEAL” is one of the keys in Infinite Healing™.  To HEAL means to restore to perfect health; to make whole, as if nothing had happened.  Infinite Healing™ is not about treating symptoms or remedying causes or curing anything; it is not about clearing or releasing emotions; it is not about denying who you are.  Infinite Healing™ is about honoring YOU; it is about truly HEALing, at infinite levels, at the Source, at your Infinite Existence. 


Click below to find out more about YOUR "I Will Honor ME!" message:


I WILL Learn to see myself without judgment

You are human and you do not always have ideal thoughts that trigger the most positive emotions.

Fact: you are human.

Fact: everyone is the best they can be at the time – including you. If they could have done better they would have. Even if they choose to not do the ‘right’ thing, they were not in a place where they could have – or they would have. The same goes for you. If you could have done ‘better’ you would have.

If you do not like the thoughts you have, instead of judging yourself for having them, HEAL them!

If you do not like the emotions that you feel, instead of judging yourself for feeling them, HEAL them!

HEALing negative thoughts and negative emotions allows positive thoughts and emotions to flow naturally.

 “I transform all Sources of that thought to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”

“I transform all Sources of everything that I am feeling to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”

“I activate all Sources that allow and create me see myself without judgment.”

Where there is judgment there is never Unconditional Love.

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I WILL Allow myself to be who I AM

Be who you are FOR you, not for who you think someone else wants you to be, not for whom you think you are supposed to be, and not for whom you think society says you should be.

You are who you are; you think what you think; you feel what you feel. If you do not like what you think or what you feel, HEAL it! When you learn to honor everything about yourself – even the parts that you don’t prefer – you become aware of who you are now. You also become aware of the parts of yourself that you can HEAL so that the true YOU can be revealed.

 “I transform all Sources of that thought to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”

“I transform all Sources of everything that I am feeling to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”

“I activate all Sources that allow and create me to be who I AM.”

Be you for YOU!

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I WILL End my day in gratitude

There are things to be grateful for all around us, but in our daily responsibilities we tend to forget what we have to be grateful for.

 When was the last time you…
…noticed the beauty of spring?
…noticed how awesome the snow on the mountains looks?
…were grateful for the sunshine on a glorious summer day?
…paid attention to the miracle of a blooming flower? Growing grass? A butterfly?
…realized how amazing the moon and the stars are?
…considered gratitude for having money to buy groceries?
…enjoyed watching children playing in the park?
…were conscious of the miracle we call life? Every single person on earth is a miracle – including YOU!

NOTE: Do not force things to be grateful for. Do not be grateful for things that others say you should be grateful for. Do not be grateful for the things that society says you should be grateful for. Express gratitude for what you are truly grateful for. The more you express true gratitude, the more you will think of to be grateful for. The Universe knows the difference between true gratitude and just speaking the words.

 “I activate all Sources that allow and create gratitude in my life.”

Ending your day in gratitude is a great way to thank the Universe for what you have. Gratitude attracts more things to be grateful for. What an awesome way to drift off to sleep J

Unconditional Gratitude fills you up with such an amazing feeling that it feels like your body cannot expand any further, where you do not need to breathe, where you feel like you’re just going to burst. (If you have not ever felt this level of gratitude, I hope you are able to some day. It is impossible to describe with words.)

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I WILL Get to know ME at a deeper level

If you have not learned what to do with negative thoughts and emotions, you can get really good at ignoring, suppressing and denying what you think and what you feel. Sometimes you get so good at it that you don’t even realize the thoughts you have or the emotions you feel. By doing this, you are ignoring, suppressing and denying who you ARE. Other times you don’t think you should think what you think or feel what you feel so you deny or ignore that you thought ‘that’ or felt ‘that.’

Make it a point to consciously become aware of what you really think about yourself and how you really feel about yourself, honor all thoughts and all feelings then HEAL the ones you don’t like. Become aware of what you really think about a situation and how you really feel about that situation, honor all thoughts and all feelings about that situation then HEAL the ones you don’t want.

“I transform all Sources of that thought to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”

"I transform all Sources of everything that I am feeling to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”

“I activate all Sources that allow and create me to discover the true ME!”

HEALing low-level thoughts and emotions is the only way to finally discover how truly amazing YOU are!

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I WILL Allow myself to HEAL

Life can get crazy. There are things that have to be done and there’s not enough time to get it all accomplished. You think that you ‘don’t have time’ to be sick or to pay attention to what your physical body is telling you.

Physical symptoms are warning signals that something is out of Harmony in your life. Examples of common symptoms are headaches, runny nose, stuffy nose, itching, pain, nausea, dis-ease, etc.  If symptoms are masked or ignored, your body continues to try to tell you that something is out of Harmony by presenting more symptoms.  Masking or ignoring symptoms simply allows your body to get further and further out of Harmony, eventually creating dis-ease.

Your body is amazing in so many ways and it will give you many opportunities to honor what it is trying to tell you. Maybe you ‘need’ a reason to rest; maybe you need some downtime; maybe illness is the only way that you will take care for yourself.

“I transform all Sources of that thought to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”

“I transform all Sources of everything that I am feeling to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”

“I activate all Sources that allow and create me to HEAL!”

Learn to honor what your body is trying to tell you and take time to HEAL before your body has to take drastic measures. Regular HEALing does not have to be time consuming. It can be as simple as transforming all Sources to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™ each time you notice a negative thought or feel a negative emotion.

Your body loves to be honored!

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I WILL Learn to enjoy life

Contrary to what we may have subconsciously learned, life IS meant to be joyful. It is not meant to be a struggle, it is not meant to be hard, and it is not meant for you to ‘survive’ it. If you have little or no joy in your life, you are depriving yourself of a very important part of being HEALthy. In fact, there is NO way for you to be HEALthy – Spirit, Mind, Heart or Body – if you do not regularly incorporate joy into your life.

How easy is it for you to answer this question: What do you for fun? What do YOU enjoy?

If you answered easily, how often do you do what you enjoy?

If you hesitated in answering, take some time to figure out what it is YOU really enjoy and include it into your life regularly.

“I transform all Sources of feeling like life is a struggle to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitudeä.”

“I activate all Sources that allow and create me regularly incorporate joy into my life.”

JOY nourishes you spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically!

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I WILL Do something for ME

Life has a lot of expectations and responsibilities. In getting caught up our daily responsibilities and what is expected of us as a mother, wife, girlfriend, friend, daughter, sister, etc we often neglect ourselves.

Helping others, doing things for others, taking care of others, etc makes you feel good; makes you feel needed; makes you feel wanted. It is like filling a bag with water. When you do something for others because you want to, it adds water to your bag. J

Neglecting yourself, putting yourself last, and doing things for others out of obligation or ‘because you have to’ puts holes in your bag. Holes in your bag drain the water that’s in your bag. L  In this analogy, it doesn’t matter how much you water you put in, if you do not fill the holes, your bag can never accumulate water. It is like a never-ending task.

Doing things for yourself fill the holes in your bag as if they were never there. It is important that you take time to do something for yourself! How often do you do something FOR yourself for no reason other than it is FOR you?

Here’s an example – although a bit silly - of when I realized I felt a need to justify doing something for me:

My husband and my daughters were gone for the evening. I was home alone, enjoying the ‘me’ time. I realized I was hungry but I didn’t really feel like fixing something to eat just for me. Here’s a synopsis of the conversation in my head:

“What do I want to eat?”

“I want Hungry Onion.”

“But that’s quite a ways to go just to get something to eat.”

“You’re right, but I haven’t had it in a long time and it sounds delicious,”

“But that’s quite a drive just to get your self something to eat. Besides, does it make sense to take that much time just to get something to eat for you?”

“That’s true. Maybe I’ll just find something here.”

Then I became aware that I was trying to justify why I wanted what I wanted and why it didn’t make sense to do it. Aha! I got in my car and drove to Hungry Onion. I had a smile on my face the whole way because I was doing it FOR ME! I got my order, drove home and enjoyed every delicious bite! That’s when I realized how little I really did things for me.

 “I transform all Sources of feeling guilty for doing things for me to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”

 “I activate all Sources that allow and create me to easily do things for me!”

 Doing something for your self fills those holes. You do not have to justify what you do; you do not have to have a reason; it does not have to make sense why you want to do what you do. JUST DO IT!

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I WILL Include ME on my priority list

You have a lot of things to do and a lot of people to take care of. Often times, everyone else comes first and you get what’s left – if there IS any. Yes, you are a wife or a mother or a daughter or a friend or a sister, etc. Yes, there are certain things that have to be done. But, you are important too!

Then, even though it is your choice to make everyone else a higher priority than yourself, you sometimes feel neglected or unappreciated. And then you feel bad for feeling that way. And the cycle goes on. HEAL what you feel regardless of why you feel that way or how little sense it makes.

"I transform all Sources of feeling neglected and unappreciated to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”

If YOU don’t make yourself a priority, how do you expect others to? What message are you sending others or teaching your children by putting yourself last? What are you trying to prove?

Including yourself on your priority list does not have to be selfish. You should be just important to yourself as you make others in your life.

“I transform all Sources of thinking everyone else should be taken care of first to Unconditional Love & Unconditional Gratitude™.”

“I activate all Sources that allow and create me to be important to me.”

You are much better able to take care of everything and everyone else when you take care of yourself.

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Infinite Healing™ allows you to Honor YOU! Infinite Healing™ allows you to truly HEAL! To learn more about how to honor YOU and how to truly HEAL, attend one of our Infinite Healing™ workshops. Click here to find out more! It really could change your life forever!



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