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Student Referral Program

2013 Workshops
Foot GoldZone
Face Rejuvenation
Back Rejuvenation
Infinite Healing

Testimonials from students:

"How do you put into words the experience and empowerment this class has given me. I am forever changed. Then...when I GoldZone others and am able to help them feel better & improve their understanding of their body, it is simply amazing.  I loved the classes & look forward to learning more."
Kathy M - May, 2011

"Participating in the GoldZone classes has been such an enriching experience for me.  I have realized how much I can take my health into my own hands and be responsible for how I feel.  I am so much more in tune with my body and how things affect me in all aspects.  I am consciously aware of the choices I make in my diet and I have improved how I eat which has positively affected my physical body. I am so excited that I can now help my family and others to heal and be healthy."
Kirsten H - July, 2009

"The Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone has had a tremendous impact on my health and attitude.  Going through the classes has helped change my perception on a variety of things but mostly my recognition that I have the power to change the way I think and feel both emotionally and physically."
Jennifer P - July, 2009

"Through the classes my perception has been changing & my experience with being able to help others in a positive way through the Foot GoldZone has been amazing.  Thank you for all your support.  I'm so excited to continue learning."
Jennifer U - July, 2009




Are YOU ready to experience the power of
being in control of YOUR health?

aah...Experience the power of the...

Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone
Certification Series

It’s more than just about the feet and the technique –
it’s about Never underestimating the power of YOUR body to heal;
it’s about Unleashing the natural healing power of YOUR body; and
it’s about Experiencing the power of YOU

When you treat only part of the body, you will receive only partial healing; but when you treat the body as a WHOLE, you will receive WHOLE body healing ~ physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  The Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone is the ultimate in WHOLE body healing.

There are various levels to achieving total health – from natural ways to address symptoms * - to significant lifestyle changes.

* addressing symptoms, even if it’s naturally, does NOT help the body heal
and WILL eventually lead to dis-ease.

This series includes all levels of health and is very personal.  The level you take from is totally up to you.  You can go away with simple ideas for being healthier or ideas for lifestyle changes.   

The signal system in the feet connects to every cell in the body.  The signal system is an invisible energy representation of the whole body (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).  The right foot represents the right side of the body and the left foot represents the left side of the body.  Both feet put together represent the whole body. 

Everything that creates disturbances from your environment (thoughts, emotion, food, drink, air, water, etc) will be reflected in the feet and can be harmonized through the feet.

The Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone is a simple, non-invasive and effective way to harmonize the WHOLE body, utilizing the extraordinary meridian zones and signal system in the feet, in under an hour.  It is safe for people of all ages and encouraged for people of all professions.  This technique is an important step for you to become an active participant in YOUR healing process. 

The Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone is an all-natural rejuvenative technique that uses the extraordinary meridian zones and signal system in the feet to unleash the natural healing power of the body.  This advanced technique places the body in a state of peak condition and harmony – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually - and then allows the body’s natural intelligence to take over.  The power of this technique is impossible to put into words.

Through the Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone certification series, you will receive a comprehensive education through seven modules where you will learn: 

  • The Prime Meridian GoldZone technique and how to place the body in a state of peak condition and harmony ~ physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually using the advanced signal system in the feet. 

  • How the body works through a simplified, easy-to-learn anatomy / physiology curriculum that gives an in-depth understanding of the body without the complexity of traditional terminology;

  • Natural methods of rejuvenation like therapeutic-grade essential oils, herbs, food, sunshine, air and water, and more;

  • How to identify disturbances in the body;

  • How to identify the cause(s) of disturbances in the body;

  • How to identify the possible cause(s) of symptoms;

  • Recommendations for restoring and rejuvenating the body, allowing it to reach its prime*;

  • How easy it is to make your health a priority;

  • How to rely on yourself, help the body heal and end unnecessary discomfort;

  • And much, much more!

 * Prime (n) – the period or phase of ideal or peak condition; the age of ideal physical perfection and intellectual vigor; the period of greatest prosperity or productivity; being at the best stage of development

This series consists of seven (7) classes.  In each class, we will be planting a knowledge seed, and there will be more information presented in the classroom setting than can be absorbed – guaranteed - and students are not expected to ‘get it’ all right away.  You will have detailed materials to support the information that is presented in class and also for future reference.

Although each class is specialized in its content, there is significant individual hands-on time spent on learning and refining the Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone technique in each class.  You will learn how to assess the current condition of the body by both looking and feeling the feet.  Within each class, you will also learn natural methods of rejuvenation for each of the systems (essential oils, herbs, sunshine, deep breathing, water, etc.) and you will learn things that harm each of the systems.

Between each Module, you perform the Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone technique at least twice per week, whether on yourself, a friend or a family member.  The more you practice, the better you become.  GoldZoning at least twice per week is a critical step in your preparation for the final assessment in Module 7.  In order to pass the final assessment and receive certification, you must be able to perform the Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone technique correctly in less than one hour.

The materials have been written in an attempt to make this an easy and stress-free learning environment.  The classes encourage simple and interactive learning techniques and will include material that you can utilize in other areas of your life.  We do ask that when it comes to the content of the classes, that you do not judge the processes and the information, but rather judge the results.

Click on the Module # for a registration form for that class OR
pay for the entire series by the deadline and receive 8 therapeutic-grade essential oils and
an essential oil carrying case for FREE!

2013-2014 Schedule



September 13-14,

Module 1
Learn the history behind the technique and the powerful-beyond-words Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone technique.  You will also perform this technique on yourself.


October 11-12,

Module 2
Learn about the Structural & Muscular System and the Digestive System and begin to learn how each of our systems works together.   You will be introduced to assessment of these systems which means learning how to analyze the current condition of the systems through the look and feel of the feet.  In this class you will perform the Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone technique on yourself with special attention to the details of GoldZoning
the outside of the feet.



November 8-9,

Module 3
Learn about the Circulatory & Lymphatic Systems and continue to learn how our body is connected.  You will assess the current condition of these systems, expanding on your ability to see and feel disturbances in the body.  In this class you will perform the Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone technique on yourself with special attention to the details of GoldZoning the top of the feet.



December 6-7,

Module 4
Learn about the Endocrine & Reproductive System, furthering your understanding of the importance of treating the body as a WHOLE.  You will spend a significant amount of class time assessing the current condition of this system, and you will perform the Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone technique on yourself with special attention to the details of GoldZoning the inside of the feet.



January 10-11,

Module 5
Learn about the Respiratory System, the Urinary System, and the Skin.  You will assess the current condition of these systems, advancing your ability to recognize disturbances through the feet.  In this class, you will likely perform the Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone technique on a classmate with special attention to the details of GoldZoning the bottom of the feet.



February 7-8,

Module 6
Learn about and assess the current condition of the Nervous System.  In this class, you will likely perform the Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone technique on a classmate with special attention to the details of GoldZoning the bottom of the feet.



March 13-15,

Module 7
You will perform the Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone technique for final assessment for certification.  The remainder of this three-day class will concentrate on Advanced System Assessment, Advanced Aromatherapy and an Introduction to Hands-on-Healing.  Other advanced techniques and information will also be presented to further your understanding the value of working with all levels of the body to achieve optimum healing. 
Certificates will be issued at the end of this class.




Total price including materials:


Click here to pay for the entire series and receive 8 therapeutic-grade essential oils and an essential oil carrying case for FREE!

* One class is typically scheduled each month. 

As an active student or Certified Foot GoldZone Therapist (CFGT), you are eligible for discounts on many of our products and services. 

We are here to make your learning experience exactly what you want it to be.  Feel free to contact us at anytime with any questions.  Your success is our objective.

Remember - It's more than just about the feet and the technique -
it's about Never underestimating the power of YOUR body to heal;
it's about Unleashing the natural healing power of YOUR body;
and it's about Experiencing the power of YOU!

Have questions?  Contact us for more information!

All About Health Wellness Institute

Click here for our refund policy

If you are a Certified Foot GoldZone Therapist (CFGT) and wish to retake the classes to further your understanding and fine-tune your skills, the registration forms reflect significantly reduced registration rates.  Discounted registration rates do not include new materials.

Annual Conference

Each year, the All About Health Wellness Institute will hold a two-day conference for Certified Foot GoldZone Therapists (CFGT) where you will receive updated information on the Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone technique, advanced system assessment and other natural health care information.  Credits from the Student Referral Program may be used to attend this conference.  You must attend this conference to keep your certification active and be eligible for discounts.  

The 2013 Annual Conference topic is "Supporting the Structural System"

April 26 - 27, 2012
9 am - 5 pm    9 am - 2 pm

The 2012 Annual Conference topic was "Harmonizing the Digestive System"

The 2011 Annual Conference topic was "Women's Health and the Harmonizing the Endocrine System"

The 2010 Annual Conference topic was "Children's Health"

Student Referral Program

Earn credits towards future classes by referring students to the Prime Meridian Foot GoldZone certification series!  For each student that you refer, you will earn $25 credit for each class they take.  If they attend the entire seven-module series and receive certification, you could earn up to $200 in credits for you to use for your future classes and continuing education!  You must keep your certification active to be eligible for this program.

The friend you referred attends:

Cumulative credits you receive:

Module 1
you receive $25 in credits


Module 2
you receive another $25 in credits


Module 3
you receive another $25 in credits


Module 4
you receive another $25 in credits


Module 5
you receive another $25 in credits


Module 6
you receive another $25 in credits


Module 7
you receive another $25 in credits


you receive another $25 in credits


PMGZ Annual Conference*


* You must also attend the Annual Conference
to receive this credit

Program subject to change without notice



Copyright © All About Health, Inc 2013.  All rights reserved.