inspired to
reveal the power of YOU!
Dare to experience the power of...
you the tools to get rid of baggage
from the past,
so that you can truly LIVE in the
while learning to create an abundant
Infinite Healing allows you to...
Experience the power of YOU!
IH Workshops
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Refresher Registration
(by special invitation only)
Business Building
Emotional & Physical Healing
Financial Abundance
Weight Management
I wanted to thank you for such an
incredible seminar yesterday.
There was so much there that
resonated with me and I was utterly
transfixed. In fact...when I
got home, I was exhausted. I
decided to take the evening off and
relax and almost fell asleep by
6:15. I forced myself to stay
awake as I didn't want to end up
awake at 2:00 am. I have also
had a hard time lately staying
asleep and have been waking up
consistently at 4:00 am and staying
awake for hours. I used your
advice and was able to sleep right
through the night...yeah!!
Wow! What an awesome class.
It was very well thought out and put
together. I have been studying
energy since the 1960's and your
class was absolutely "the bomb" I
know this isn't nice to say, but I
know you will get my point: I am
glad your ankle was disturbed to
spur you on to bring this all
together. You are right, the
infinite healing you were talking
about a couple of years ago has
evolved into a masterpiece. A
lot of the things you said were
confirmation for me in a lot of the
literature I have been studying
about energy. You put it in a
concise and easy format for people
to get the most benefit out.
Very well done. The teacher
from the school I work at loved the
class, also. Keep up the good
work! ~DD
Had an interesting thing happen this
morning. I burned my left temple
area with a curling iron. (I had it
on the highest setting) My skin felt
on fire. I kept saying, "Cancel,cancel,
cancel" several times then said,
"Nothing has happened!" several
times. It kept hurting, so I
said,"Nothing has happened!!" with
more of an emotional punch to it.
The pain immediately subsided. I
replayed in my mind the situation
but with nothing happening as the
new result. I thought for sure I
would have a nasty red burn mark on
my temple, but there is nothing
there! Wow!
Find more testimonials on the
individual IH topic pages!
Infinite Healingä could seriously change
your life
here for a list of upcoming
Healingä is becoming aware of and
things in your life that prevent you
from having the life you want.
Infinite Healing™ is divinely
inspired and is a new approach to
It encourages you to become aware of
whom you are now, understanding that
discovering who you are now gives
you opportunities to HEAL the
aspects you don’t want so that you
can reveal the true YOU!
Infinite Healing™ is about truly
Infinite Healing™ is about HEALING
at all levels - at your Infinite
Infinite Healing™ is about true
your Spirit, your Mind,
your Heart and your
Infinite Healing™ is about HEALING
your past, your present and your
Infinite Healing™ is not about
positive thinking – it is about
positive living.
Although positive thinking is
powerful, forcing positive thoughts
does not HEAL
the Source of the negative thoughts;
convincing yourself to not feel or
that you don’t feel a lower-level
emotion does not HEAL
the Source of the negative emotion.
In fact, these only suppress, deny
and ignore who you are now.
is difficult to lie to yourself;
it is impossible to lie to the
Infinite Healing™ is about honoring
and understanding that it is okay
to be human;
it is okay to think what you think
it is okay to feel what you feel.
It is about learning how to honor
YOU by honoring all
of your thoughts and all
of your emotions.
That’s when the true HEALING
Infinite Healing™ gives you the
tools to HEAL the negative so that
the positive can flow naturally.
This intensive workshop is
applicable to those who are new to
energy work and to those who have
been doing it for years. It
Tools to sweeten the
‘lemons’ in life.
There are things we experience in
life that are less-than-desirable.
We will discuss why
less-than-desirable experiences
appear in our lives,
what they mean and how to HEAL them.
Infinite Healing IS experiencing the
power of…YOU!