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Meet Angel

Angel is my four-year-old black lab.  We've had her since she was 8 weeks old. Back then, she was very calm and she slept a lot. That's a whole different story now. Angel is almost always hyper and full of energy - she is still very much a puppy.  She loves playing with toys, playing in the snow, playing at the park - she loves to play.

Angel is pretty small for a lab - she's only 54 pounds.  But what she lacks in size, she makes up in personality.  She is the most imaginative, creative, playful dog I've ever known.  Even if she's not playing with a person, she's playing by herself - chasing toys or running as fast as she can around the yard.

Angel's three favorite words: "treat", "outside", and "eat" - and she knows what each one means!

Angel - Day 1 at new home

Angel - 2003

New Toy

Angel's First Bath

Look at those eyes!

Favorite Sleeping Position

Precious Puppy

Baby Angel with 'big sister' Kasie


Copying Big Sis

Nobody can say no to this face

Playing Basketball

Wanting to play fetch

Playing at the park

Angel 2007

Playing like she always does

Christmas 2007

Trying to get treats from above the fireplace

Putting up with me and Jessica




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