In This Issue
the power of
the power of
the power of the
T’ai Chi Chih!
the power of the
Zrii: The Original Amalaki
Essential Oil
Getting older
is inevitable –
but growing old is optional.
For those who want to share
their unique healing gifts,
we offer a Practitioner Room
and Seminar Facility for
rent –
Click here
for more information!
Event Calendar
Check out our event calendar
to keep updated on our
upcoming events!
Wellness Professional /
Wellness Instructor
Isabelle Dake
Master Healer
Lee Slichter,
Energy Therapist,
Rapid Eye Therapy
All About
Wellness & Education Center
845 E Fairview Ave.,
Ste 120
(south of Fairview on
N. Lakes)
Meridian, ID 83642
If you no longer wish to
receive our newsletter,
please send an e-mail to with
UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject
line or call us at
Another year
has come and gone and we
want to take this
opportunity to thank all of
our clients, family and
friends for your part in our
success. Each of you has
played a very important role
in our lives and we are
grateful for YOU! As we
bring in the new year, we
foresee that 2008 will be a
very special year – a year
of new beginnings and a year
of unlimited possibilities!
We wish you a happy, healthy
and abundant new year!
Experience the power of…Unlimited
You are an
amazing creation and the
power you have within is
infinite. One key to
accessing this internal
power is to remove the
limits you put upon yourself
– or the limits that others
have put upon you and that
you believe. By changing
old patterns and releasing
limits, you can open up a
world of unlimited
With the
beginning of a new year, I
invite you to contemplate
what you really want;
I invite you to recognize
what limits you have
accepted; and I invite you
to think about what
possibilities are out there
for you by removing those
health-related limits that
are generally accepted are:
“it runs in the family”, “I
was born with it”, “it comes
with age”, “it’s that time
of year”, etc. Consider the
possibility that if, by
removing those limits, your
body is able to overcome
physical ailments. Consider
the possibility that if, by
removing limits, your body
can get to a
healthier state. Consider
the possibility that your
health IS within your
control and that you don’t
have to just leave it to
chance. Consider the fact
that you have unlimited
possibilities – not only in
health, but in life.
aah…experience the power of
Unlimited Possibilities!__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Experience the power of…Intentional
What is your
opinion about your health?
Do you consider yourself
healthy? Unhealthy?
Somewhat healthy Does
this opinion define your
health? Does this opinion
limit your health?
What is
intentional health?
Intentional Health is
simply being healthy –
intentionally! Many people
leave their health to chance
– accepting that how they
feel physically, emotionally
and/or mentally is just how
it is. Not realizing that
they actually have control
over the state of their
health; that they actually
have some control over how
often they will or will not
get sick; that they actually
have control over how they
want to feel – physically,
emotionally, mentally and
Once you
realize that your health is
not really left to chance,
that your health – like it
or not - is a product of
your lifestyle (from your
entire lifetime), that your
health comes from your
choices, you can begin to
make changes that will lead
you to being healthy – on
purpose. Making small
changes little by little is
an excellent step towards
this goal. Although at
times it may not be easy, it
will be worth it. Start
2008 with promise to be
healthy – intentionally!
aah…experience the power of
being healthy –
Experience the power of…T’ai Chi Chih!
T’ai Chi Chih is made up of
18 gentle, repetitive
movements and one stationary
form. Derived from T’ai Chi
Chuan, it tones the body
while it refreshes, relaxes,
and invigorates the body and
the mind. T’ai Chi Chih
strengthens the whole body,
especially the feet and
ankles, measurably improving
balance while increasing
body vitality and
flexibility. It is easy to
learn and with practice is a
simple method of staying in
shape regardless of your
fitness level. If you are
already involved in a
fitness program, T’ai Chi
Chih may improve your
Instructor Elissa Maguire,
CMT, RYT, is a certified
T’ai Chi Chih instructor
with wide-ranging experience
teaching not just T’ai Chi
Chih; but acupressure, Hatha
Yoga, and self-help
techniques, as well.
Class meets from 6:30 -7:30
p.m. every Tuesday
January 15, 2008 through
March 18, 2008. For more
information or to register,
please call Elissa at
aah…let us help you
experience the power of T’ai
Chi Chih!__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Experience the power of…Knowledge!
For more information or for registration forms, visit our
T’ai Chi Chih
- Tuesday evenings January
15 – March 18 ~ see above
for details.
Discovering Your Memory
Power – January 21 ~ 6:30 pm ~ FREE ~
Discovering Your Memory
Power will be a meeting you
will not soon forget! You
are guaranteed to take away
2-3 good ideas about
utilizing your memory more
effectively to build better
relationships and access the
information you need, when
you need it. Space is
limited -
is recommended to guarantee
(Emotional Freedom
Level I
– February 7
& 8 ~ EFT is a universal
healing aid for physical and
emotional healing. You can
learn to use it for yourself
and in partnership with an
Energy Therapist or health
professional for the most
effective results. With it,
you have at your fingertips
the ability to release
fears, chronic pain,
negative memories and
abuses, emotional eating,
stress, low self-esteem,
relationship difficulties,
depression and so much more,
often in a fraction of the
time previously required.
Experience a new kind of
freedom from the inside
out. $295 Pricing includes
materials. Visit
more information!
FaceZonology I
– February 22 – 24
~ FaceZonology is the study and science of
the signal system in the
face. Whatever your eyes
have seen, whatever your
ears have heard, whatever
your mouth has tasted,
whatever your nose has
smelled, whatever your hand
has touched – have made an
imprint in your mental
body. In this class you
will learn the signal system
in the face and receive
practical training in the
four methods: Face
ZoneAnalysis, Face
ZoneBalance, Face
TissueRejuvenation, and
Aromatic FaceMassage. $695
if registered by February
15; $725 if registered after
February 15.
Quantum-Touch Live Basic
– March 7 & 8
~ Quantum-Touch (QT) is an
essential skill everyone
should know. Spontaneously
places bones into their
correct alignment with a
light touch; reduces
inflammation; achieves
deeper relaxation; reduces
pain; balances emotions, and
more! Truly an essential
skill for every child,
parent, grandparent, and
health care practitioner!
$295 if registered by
February 29; $345 after
February 29.
Click here to
or forms are available on
our website! Request a
free CD
to learn more!
“We use QT
daily for aches, growing
pains, injuries, etc. It is
truly a blessing! If you
have children, this is
something you need to know!”
Stacie Farnham
EFT Level II: From Mechanics
to Art and Intuition
– April 10 & 11 ~ Learn
the required elements of
Level 2 EFT and discover how
to work with your intuition,
the avenues of your
intuition and open the doors
of possibility. $225 if
registered by March 6; $295
after March 6. Click here
to register. Pricing
includes materials and
certificate of completion.
for more information.
Zrii Product Information
– 6:45 pm ~ Meetings are
held monthly to educate you
on the health benefits of
Zrii (see our Featured
Product section for more
information). Hear
testimonials, share
testimonials, and ask
questions! Our next
scheduled meetings are
Thursday, January 17
and Wednesday, February
aah…let us help you
experience the power of
Featured Product ~ Zrii: The Original
I’ve said it time and time again – the
body, when given the chance,
has the amazing ability to
heal itself. Zrii gives the
body that chance. When you
focus on the cause of the
symptom, rather than the
symptom itself, you see more
dramatic results in
healing. Zrii helps the
body address the cause.
Zrii is a liquid nutritional
product that is rooted in
the ancient wisdom of
Ayurveda. There are a lot
of liquid nutritional drinks
out there, but I have never
found one as powerful as
Zrii – and I have never
found one at the quality
that I was willing to
offer. Zrii does not
contain preservatives and
has been specifically
created to work at the
cellular-level to gently
detoxify and support all
systems of the body.
Zrii is a synergistic blend of the Amalaki
fruit and six herbs and is
rich in antioxidants,
free-radical scavenging
polyphenols and bio-stable
Vitamin C. From what I’ve
seen, this special formula
supports total body
health and allows the
body to focus on whatever
the body’s priority is at
the time. Because of this,
people taking Zrii
consistently have seen a
varying range of results –
from improved colon
function, reduction of
inflammation, joint support
to increased energy,
hormonal balance,
strengthened immune system,
and more. Zrii’s
formulation brings forth
vitality and the powerful
ability to detoxify at the
cellular level, while
nourishing the cells at the
same time.
I encourage you to make an
investment in your health
and try this product. I
recommend taking 2 to 3
ounces per day for at least
60 days to see what Zrii can
do for you.
For more information,
or contact us for an
information packet. Join us
for our next monthly Zrii
Product Information Meeting
on Thursday, January 17 at
6:45 pm.
Zrii is the only third party
product endorsed by the
Chopra Center for Wellbeing!
us help you experience the
power of Zrii!
Essential Oil Tips:
Eucalyptus, Ginger, Lavender, Peppermint, Oregano
Peppermint, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Basil – Always keep
a fever under
control, but
never suppress
it. It is best
not to
eat if a fever
is present – let
the body focus
on fighting the
cause of the
fever, instead
of digesting
aah…let us help you
experience the power of
therapeutic-grade essential
oils! |